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About GRIP

Child Physiotherapy

The Story

Over the past 20+ years as a physical therapist, educator and parent of youth athletes, I have personally witnessed a sharp uptick in youth sport injuries. This is supported with international data and research. Unfortunately, most of the current coaching and medical models do not emphasize prevention. Additionally, kids are training harder and more frequently than in years past. The end result is a much higher level of significant and largely preventable injuries.


Another common issue facing our youth athletes is access to high-quality and rapid care. We understand the athlete needs to return to sport as quickly as safely possible.  The current medical model does not allow for rapid access to an MD for diagnosis or to sport therapy for prompt care.  GRIP typically provides assessments within 1-2 days of a request and has a goal of providing a thorough assessment of the injury with a goals of safe and rapid return to sport.  We understand the current medical is hamstrung by insurance delays.  At GRIP, we doo not bill insurance and are not slowed by the typical slow response to intervention.


Our passion and mission are simple: prevent and treat youth injuries through an evidenced-based approach, including education for teams, clubs, coaches, players and parents!  The goal is to prevent injuries.  In the event they happen, the goal is to return to sport as quickly as safely possible!


Click here to read about our services.


Check out our social media outlets where we post GRIP's current events and research applicable to all sports!


References are available upon request.









The Team
Mike Cicero, PT, Owner


Mike Cicero graduated from California State University – Sacramento in 1998, with his degree in Physical Therapy.  After working as a staff therapist in an outpatient setting for several years, he decided to go independent and opened two private outpatient therapy clinics in the Sacramento region.  In 2005, he merged his business with another private practice group in Folsom, California.  Mike worked as the Director of Acute and Outpatient Operations, overseeing 12 clinics and leading two hospital teams.  He then worked for another Outpatient company in 2015, as the Clinical Operations Director for 18 locations.  Most recently, he decided to return to full-time clinical care at an outpatient clinic in Roseville, California.

Mike was a volunteer Physical Therapist at the 2000 and 2004 US Olympic Track and Field Trials.  Additionally, he volunteered as a PT for the NCAA Track and Field Championships and the National Junior Olympics.  Mike has worked as an instructor of physical therapists, chiropractors and athletic trainers for multiple advanced education techniques, including: FAKTR Technique, Graston Technique, Ciao Seminars and the Performance Health Organization.  Additionally, he was a teaching partner with the CHW Medical Family Practice Residency Program where he helped train MD’s and Osteopathic Physicians on therapeutic intervention.

Mike volunteered as a physical therapist for a three week charity event in 2013.  The event included eight ultra runners who ran a minimum of a marathon each day, for 18 days straight.  The event started in Chicago and ended in Santa Monica.  As a runner, Mike enjoyed participating in the running and treatment of the athletes.  In fact, he became an ultra runner after this event and served as one of the runners on another running tour in 2015.  In this event, he was part of the running and treating crew, running from Orlando to the Mexico border.  Both events were dedicated to serving children and promoting equal education and healthcare access for underserved communities.  For more about this event, please see


Due to his diverse therapy and volunteer work, Mike was selected by a panel of independent judges to be a recipient of the Sacramento Business Journal, “Healthcare Hero” award.  This was in print in May of 2012.  Additionally, he was selected as a Board member for the ACED non-profit in June 2014, where he served for several years.  Mike joined the Rocklin Junior Thunder Board in 2021 and continues to serve on this Board to date.    

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